Saturday, January 22, 2011

.the next 100 days.

     My family has begun a 100 day challenge to lose weight and get in shape. It started on January 20th and goes until April 29th. We have divided ourselves up into 4 teams.
  • Mom, Matt, and Andrew are "Weapons of Mass Reduction"
  • Adam and Natalie are "Weight loss one-ders"
  • Kelsey and Porter are "TexMex"
  • Me and Dad are "Beauty and the Beast" (he came up with that name, by the way)
     We get points for working out and shedding pounds and the team with the most points by the end of the challenge wins the pot! SO I am highly motivated to kick everyone else in the hind parts. I worked out on day 1 for a good long while. I worked out my arms by doing some free weights then I hopped on the treadmill and ran my little heart out. For day 2, I walked on an inclined treadmill at a fast pace on my lunch break instead of going to get "fast" food. I am so sore but it feels SOOOOO good. I am all about winning and being competitive, but I am more excited to see everyone, as a family, pulling together to stay active and shed some weight. I can't wait until day 100 to see how everyone is lookin'!
     I am going to try and keep my blog updated with my workouts and things that present a challenge during these next 100 days. Help me stay motivated y'all!!!


  1. So you'll be blogging about all your strategies, huh? Excellent.

  2. Beauty and the Beast! haha I love it! Good luck! Win that pot, gurrrrl.

  3. Haha, oh Nat, I don't have strategies that everyone isn't already using... or do I??? Hmmmm...
